A Reddit Alien Bobblehead is travelling the world by mail. The endeavor was proposed by frankichiro and began with him in Sweden. frankichiro then sent the bobblehead to me, Sisyphean, in Fort Worth, Texas, USA. The bobblehead's progress is now charted at BobbleheadAdventures.com (and the Bobblehead subreddit). Here are the photographs my wife and I took of the bobblehead's adventures in Texas. [from a set on Flickr] He arrived in a box (that was swaddled in an abundance of tape) that included, among other things, a Moleskine journal and a Swedish Dalahäst (the horse shown above). The journal is for the written musings of the bobblehead recipients, the Dalahäst was a gift from frankichiro to me. I included a similar gift for the next recipient, karmanaut. Alien went to the Tarrant County Courthouse (1895) in downtown Fort Worth... and then he cooled off (it was 104° F) at the horse drinking fountain on the courthouse lawn. Across the street he posed with one of Fort Worth's Panther statues. In 1873 a Dallas newspaper reporter attended a meeting in Fort Worth and later wrote that things had been so quiet that he had seen a Panther sleeping in the middle of Main Street. The editor of the Fort Worth Newspaper promptly put a panther on the masthead of his newspaper and "Panther City" has been Fort Worth's nickname ever since. I thought this typical Texas pick-up truck would do nicely: And this cowboy: Actually, this cowboy is part of the daily longhorn cattle drive down Exchange Street in the Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District. After that photo he got his horse, McCoy, to look the alien in the eyes: Here's the longhorn cattle drive: and another cowboy, and a Fort Worth police officer: Louis Kahn's beautiful Kimbell Art Museum... and Tadao Ando's Modern Art Museum: And downtown, the Water Gardens: The Fort Worth Water Gardens were designed by architect Philip Johnson and can be seen in the SF films "Logan's Run" and "The Lathe of Heaven." Finally, Alien visited Glen Rose, Texas, a small town about an hour west of Fort Worth, where my wife grew up. Glen Rose is home to Dinosaur Valley State Park, (Glen Rose, Texas) where you can see fossilized dinosaur footprints. The 2 fiberglass dinosaurs were made for Sinclair Oil Company for the New York World's Fair Dinosaur Exhibit of 1964 and later donated to the park. And last but not least, the main reason for taking Alien to Glen Rose: Reddit Alien Bobblehead at the Creation Evidence Musem which is located outside Glen Rose, Texas. Note: The Bobble head is on the left-end of the sign. The inset image is the actual musuem, since it is impossible to get the sign and the museum in the same shot. As a response to the nearby Dinosaur Valley State Park, which has fossilized dinosaur footprints from 110 million years ago, the Creation Evidence Museum has its own excavations that attempt to show dinosaur and human footprints side by side!!! Barcle (age 17!): and Ella (age 1½): There are many more photos of the Alien's visit to Fort Worth on Flickr. |