Thursday, February 19, 2009

Woman Calls 911 With Fast Food Complaint

Wow, people really do call 911 when a fast food restaurant doesn't meet their expectations!!

I hardly believed someone could waste the time and resources of people (911 operators) who are there to save lives!

But apparently it happens. Here's audio of a woman calling 911 to complain about her experience at Burger King:



Thursday, February 05, 2009

McDonald's Serves Cleaning Solution Tea

from the Maryland Daily Record:

Late one evening last September, Caryl Jones ordered an iced tea at the drive-through of the McDonald’s near her Northwest Baltimore home. But that’s not what she got, according to her lawsuit in Baltimore City Circuit Court.

What Jones got was another sort of “T”: Triazinetrione — Dichloro-s-Triazinetrione Dihydrate, to be exact — better known as “McD Sanitizer,” a cleaning chemical intended for use on kitchen equipment and surfaces.

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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Jack's Shameless Superbowl Head Trauma

Like millions of others, you probably saw Jack get hit by a bus in the Jack in the Box ad during the Superbowl.

The 'official statement' after the ad says "In lieu of sending flowers, please order anything on the menu, anytime of the day.  Jack would want it that way."

Just another attempt at fast food viral marketing (with a huge Superbowl price tag), and the requisite web site

Miss it?  You can see all the Superbowl ads over at Hulu (see below).

But for now, here's some fake cell phone video taken right after the accident:

We wrote about the Denny's Superbowl ad and free Grand Slam on Monday.

The only other fast food Superbowl ad was Taco Bell's. And we think that was a huge FAIL.

Here's all the Superbowl ads (on Hulu):

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Monday, February 02, 2009

Dennys Superbowl Ad: Free Breakfast

Denny's bought their first Superbowl ad during Superbowl 43 (sorry, XLIII) yesterday.

And they didn't advertise fast food... they advertised Free Food!

That's right!

A Free Grand Slam breakfast for all tomorrow (Tuesday 2/3/09) from 6am to 2pm!

Fine print: "Dine-in only. Offer limited to Tuesday, 2/3/09, 6am to 2pm in all Denny's restaurants in the United States, Canada and Puerto while supplies last. With exception of 350 Baker Blvd., Baker, CA.

Here's the TV ad, below that is a shot of their website after the ad ran.

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