Breakfast cereal as fast food

The 'cereal as fast food' concept started three years ago on the campus of Arizona State with the Cereality Cereal Bar and cafe.
The idea is simple: offer a wide variety of breakfast cereals, toppings, and milk in a to-go container. It's simply an astute commercialization of what you can see during any major city's morning commute; people eating their breakfast cereal out of a tupperware-type container while they sit in traffic or on public transport.
Cereality, started at ASU, now has 3 locations. They offer 33 cereals and 34 toppings served in a "milk-tight container" that looks like a Chinese take-out carton. It's served by cereologists in pajamas. Cartoons, of course, are shown on flat-screens and milk is dispensed from the Moo Machine.
A second chain based in Ohio, Cerealicious Cafes, will open locations in Columbus and Cleveland next month.
Labels: breakfast