Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Fast food outlets are increasingly turning to 'viral marketing' to promote their brand. Recently Long John Silver's unveiled shrimpbuddy.com, a website featuring a film about a guy with a best friend who is a 6 foot tall shrimp. Hardee's has spicyparis.com with extended videos of their infamous Paris Hilton burger ad. We wrote about Wendy's viral 'squares' last week. And the viral site that started it all (at least for fast food) was Burger King's Subservient Chicken.
Chick-fil-a introduces gourmet coffee

Labels: breakfast, Chick-fil-a, coffee
Monday, June 27, 2005
First Burger King in China opens

Burger King opened their first restaurant in China today in Shanghai hoping to take a bite out of McDonald's market share. McDonald's has 600 restaurants in China with plans for 100 more this year. In addition to American standards like the Whopper, BK is adding menu items with local flavor such as a hamburger seasoned with the spicy mala sauce of southwestern China. [AP]
Labels: Burger King
Fast food stocks down after mad cow news
The beef industry was quick to reassure the public following the announcement of a the first confirmed US case of mad cow disease last week, but fast food company stocks responded negatively nonetheless. Shares of McDonald's [MCD] and Wendy's [WEN] stock were both down close to 1% on Friday.
Labels: Wendy's
Thursday, June 23, 2005
Whale burger on menu at fast food chain

Labels: burger
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Australia's fast food growth
According to a BIS Schrapnel report, the number of fast food restaurants in Australia has grown by 25% in the last 4 years. The 123.2 per cent growth in new Subway outlets compared with 2.1 per cent growth for McDonald's showed consumers were voting with their waistlines, the report's co-author Jan Roach said. But in terms of sales turnover, McDonald's still leads the way, followed by KFC. [Herald Sun | The Age]
McDonald's big drinks are back
Super-sizing is back -- for drinks, anyway. Fifteen months after McDonald's stopped offering "super-sized" portions of french fries and soft drinks, its Chicago area restaurants are selling the extra-large 42 ounce sodas again. Getting rid of 42-ounce drinks was a key part of McDonald's highly touted March 2004 rollback of super-sizing that coincided with the release of "Super Size Me," a documentary alleging bad health effects from an all-McDonald's diet. A 42-ounce Coke contains 410 calories. [Sun-Times]
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Super-sized restaurant furniture
As restauranteurs gathered in Chicago for the National Restaurant Associaton conference, one topic up for discussion was larger furniture for their restaurants; not just to hold larger portions, but for the larger customers those portions have produced. For one, Chili's Grill & Bar has noticed that some of their customers are finding their tables constricting and are looking at larger configurations. One chair manufacturer said his company is rethinking size -- as in making products bigger -- because customers are bigger. "Let's face it, America has an obesity problem," said Jerry Falk of Foldcraft Co. of Minnesota. [Dallas News] {Thanks Chris}
Wendy's 'smart square' viral marketing

Labels: Wendy's
Monday, June 20, 2005
Fast food openings in China, Iraq and India
Burger King will be opening its first store in China later this month in Shanghai [Shanghai Daily]. Earlier this month, Popeyes Chicken opened their first store in Iraq [Blackanthem.com]. Eastern India’s maiden KFC outlet was unveiled in Calcutta. [Calcutta Telegraph]
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Mexican Hawaiian fusion fast food

Saturday, June 18, 2005
McD encourages cycling... but not in drive-thru
McDonald's may be trying to chang their image and encouraging customers to exercise, even selling McKids bicycles, but don't try and ride that bicycle through a McDonald's drive-thru. A UK couple who tried to bike through the drive-thru were turned away. They were told that only insured vehicles are allowed. [Portsmouth Today]
Friday, June 17, 2005
Healthy fast food a new trend?
Burger King has introduced the Veggie Burger. Chipotle seeks out organic food suppliers like Niman Ranch pork. Now there's O'Naturals, a small chain of fast-food restaurants in the Northeast that offers everything from carrot ginger soup and organic smoked tofu to bison meatloaf sandwiches, and macaroni and cheese, much of it made with organic or natural ingredients. [Chicago Trib]
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
McDonald's expands with McKids
McDonald's has annouced there selection of DIC Entertainment as its worldwide licensing agent for McKids. McKids will promote active lifestyles for kids through a range of products, including toys, videos/DVDs, bikes, skateboards, scooters, and an entire line of clothing and accessories.
"One of the strategic pillars of our leadership marketing is promoting Balanced Active Lives,” said Larry Light, McDonald’s global chief marketing officer. “Our McKids line will do just that."
McDonald's hip flagship store

Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Free floats at A & W

Monday, June 13, 2005
McDVD Rentals
According to Wired Magazine, McDonald's has gotten into the DVD rental game and is expanding the program:
McDonald's is expanding tests for a national DVD rental service in its restaurants, promising to turn the fast-food chain into a do-it-yourself Netflix for road warriors. Soon travelers will be able to rent their way across the country. Munch in Minneapolis, rent Finding Nemo. Dine the next night in Washington, D.C., drop off Nemo and pick up SpongeBob Squarepants.
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Who owns 'fast casual'?
The big boys of fast food are fully invested in what has come to be known as 'fast casual' restaurants. Although it isn't shouted from the mountain tops, its no secret who owns who: the Baja Fresh Mexican Grill chain is owned by Wendy's and the Qdoba Mexican Grill chain was purchased by Jack in the Box in 2003. McDonald's owns both Boston Market and Chipotle.
Labels: Wendy's
Friday, June 10, 2005
Fast food poll: Wendy's is most popular
According to a new poll by Zogby International, "nearly one-in-four (23%) American adults call fast food chain Wendy’s their favorite, with half as many preferring runners-up Taco Bell and McDonald’s (12% apiece). Burger King trailed McDonald’s and Taco Bell at 11%. Rounding out the field were KFC at 8%, and Jack in the Box and Long John Silver’s, at 3% each. Three-in-ten (29%) respondents say they either prefer no fast food restaurant or a chain not offered on the list."
Fast food as currency indicator
The Economist's 'Big Mac Index' compares the worldwide prices of a Big Mac to the US price to analyze currency exchange rates. This year's index indicates that the Euro is overvalued by 17% against the dollar:
"The euro is worth about $1.22 on the foreign-exchange markets. A Big Mac costs €2.92, on average, in the euro zone and $3.06 in the United States. The rate needed to equalise the burger's price in the two regions is just $1.05. To patrons of McDonald's, at least, the single currency is overpriced."
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Fast Food Terminology
Have you ever found yourself in the drive-thru lane wanting to increase the size of your meal but not remembering the correct phraseology to use to ask for it? Here's your guide to making your meal bigger in these fast food lanes:
- Whataburger - Whatasize
- McDonalds - Super Size
- Burger King - King Size
- Wendy's - Biggie Size
- Jack in the Box - Jumbo Size
- Chic-fil-A - Value Size
from Brody Vercher
Wendy's CEO talks about the finger hoax
In a USA Today interview, Wendy's CEO Jack Schuessler discusses why he suspected from the outset that the woman who claimed to find part of a finger in her serving of Wendy's chili was perpetrating a hoax:
"We go through so much care in our food supply with tracking systems at the manufacturer level. Within a day, we could track back and know that there were no accidents in any of the plants; and that, if there were, the whole plant would have to be shut down. We polygraphed all of our employees at the unit and did visual inspections to see if they were missing any digits."
Labels: Wendy's
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Ronald McDonald as fitness guru

A brief history of Ronald McDonald:

- 1963: Ronald McDonald makes his official debut
- 1965: Ronald's first appearance at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade
- 1966: First TV commercial featuring Ronald McDonald
- 1971: Ronald joined by other characters, including Hamburglar and Grimace
- 1994: Ronald McDonald Children's Charities celebrate 20th anniversary
- 2005: McDonald's announces Ronald's sporty new look
Monday, June 06, 2005
Subway drops Sub Club promotion

Labels: Subway
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Taco Bell's chalupa images museum

Labels: Taco Bell
Friday, June 03, 2005
White Castle's Jeeves on ebay for charity
[Thanks Dason]
Labels: White Castle
Burger King to introduce 'chicken fries'

Labels: Burger King
Thursday, June 02, 2005
McDonald's in-store music dowloads

Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Jack introduces fancy buns for burgers
Jack in the Box has introduced 2 new burger sandwiches on Ciabatta "artisan-style" bread: the Original Ciabatta Burger and the Bacon 'n' Cheese Ciabatta Burger. They feature the same hearth-baked ciabatta roll as the chain’s Bruschetta and Classic Chicken Ciabatta sandwiches. [press release]
Labels: burger, Jack in the Box
McDonald's sued over disputed $1 million prize
The widow of a man charged with conspiring to rig a McDonald's Corp. promotional contest is suing the fast-food chain for failing to make payments on his $1 million grand prize. [Yahoo News]