McDonald's introduces snack wrap

It is unclear if this will be a permanent menu edition or a special promo or seasonal item like the McRib.
The Snack Wrap is: crispy chicken, cheddar jack cheese, lettuce and ranch sauce wrapped in a soft flour tortilla. It sells for $1.29.
UPDATE: Nutrition information is now available. The Snack Wrap has 330 calories, 16 grams of fat, 5 grams saturated fat, 2 grams trans fat, 35 mg cholesterol, 780 mg sodium, 33 grams carbohydrates, 0 grams of fiber, 2 grams sugars, and 14 grams protein.
Labels: trans fat
Is it just in the US? or can we found it in Europa?
Just what America needs - another snack packed with fat!
330 calories is not bad. Any food is fattening if you just seat on your ass and do nothing.
Yeah actually 330 calories is not bad.Making a sandwich at home is probably around the same considering the bread alone is at least 120 calories.So I think its a great little snack.
no bad at all...but are we considering the grams of fat? thats 23Gs of fat in 2-3 bites. You will die
You know - I've had it - and it's pretty tasty! And not so bad for you as other choices. Plus you can get it without the ranch dressing, which saves you some calories and fat...
I actually hope it stays on the menu - it's good cheap girlie food. (Though I think guys would like it as well : ) )
This is a good meal for weight lifting, has all the protein you need. I eat about 4 of these everyday, yummmy, tasty. Look at me now, I am huge, no no no, I mean sideways.
I am a workout/nutrition freak. I LOVE snack wraps. Just one can do the job and even not take away your energy. If you sit around all day any food is gonna put the weight on ya!
not bad at all, but it would have been nice if they made two types - crispy chicken and grilled chicken. The crisy chicken tends to be a little salty for some of us who are trying to cut down on salt...but a delicious meal.
Just returned from lunch. Our local MCD has a grilled version..VERY TASTY!!
Just had the grilled version. Great Snack - MCD is listening
today I brought two of the crispy chicken snack wrap with ranch and it was delicious. McDonald's snack wrap tastes better than Kentucky Fried Chicken snackers. Also, how about introduce another snacker with Paul Neuman's Caesar dressing. I know that I would love it!
Snack wraps are the best damn thing McDonald's have come out with since the Big Mac. They're so good, I hardly ever get burgers anymore, and that's all I use to get.
For me, it's the ranch sauce that makes it really tasty. The grill chicken ones are pretty good, too, but I think I prefer the crispy a little more. Something bigger to bite into I guess.
I have a doubt about the fat content in these wraps. I know that their nutritional information is accounting for a full-sized Chicken Select, but in my experience, this has not been the case. I have no idea if it is solely my location or not, but the Snack Wraps that I've had have had what can be described as "mini" Chicken Selects. So, I'd estimate that the fat content is actually a bit lower (maybe only 2 grams or so).
With that being said, this is a delicious little treat.
i really like am obsessed with snack wraps they are so good i mean they're really healthy too i buy them whenever i can and they are a great price i just wish that they can be on the dolloar menu like the six piece nuggets once were. i would be extatic and buy everysingle one in the store if they go on the dolllar menu. Me and my friend Genevieve love the ranch dressing the best. we are so obsessed we even tried making our own but of course it wasent as good as the original! Thank you McDonalds for creating the snack wrap its so delicious!!!
i really love snackwraps alot but before i eat them i always unfold them to see if anything unwanted may be inside.
is it healthy to eat two of these everyday? how about the crispy chicken salads? will u gain wait if u eat two salads from there everyday?
The Grilled Snack wrap with Honey Mustard sports a 260 calories. Not and at all. Get it with bottled water and you are golden.
Snack wraps are soo good. I get them everytime i go to MCD! :] yum. They are my favorite!
It´s so great....I´m an addict 8-) could eat it nearly every day!
But in Germany it costs 2€.A little too expensive i think!
I eat these all the time. They are cheap and make a good meal.
I Work at McDonalds and we sell lots and lots of them, they are $1.99AUD in australia and only just came out, i love them.
pitty they are unhealthy!
I had one last month and have been dreaming about it since then. Because I am always busy MCD is just out of the way but I squeezed some time to grab a wrap again today and HOLY! it was again a dream come true
I get the snack wrap without the ranch:) I am suprised it has 16 grams and 330 calories though!
mcdonalds big mac is healthyer than their salad
I am so addicted to the grilled wrap with ranch. I get one everyday with a large regular iced coffee and I lost 12 pounds from May 08 to June 08. I eat very little carbs the rest of the day. I highly recommend it to those who want to lose weight and still have a great lunch. Only one though... with a regular iced coffee. I prefer it over a steak dinner!
i dont think most peopel realize that peopel are eating 3 to 4 of these at a time.... its horrible!
I dont think the snack wrap is 330.. well the crispy i bet it is.. but not the grilled one.. if im not mistaken.. the grilled one is only 260 calories!!
me and my girlfriends eat them all the time after cheerleading practice because they are so good and also healthy.
Its good, its not gay and I love it.
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