McDonald's latest Happy Meal inclusion is a miniature Hummer. Boys will be thrilled to choose from
8 different Hummers representing the full Hummer lineup, from the now-defunct H1 to the H3T Concept pickup.
But beware, as Joanna pointed out in her
McRules, if you've got all 8 you might not be feeding your kids at home enough!
Despite the outrage expressed by the NY Times in their article
"Would You Like A Gas Guzzler With That?" (as pointed out by Slashfood & Autoblog), this promotion is a match made in conspicuous-consumption heaven! I mean, if you eat enough of McDonald's McTransFat you'll need a McHummer to haul you and your McKids through the McDrive-thru, right!?!?

UPDATE: The environmentalists are really upset about this promotion. The
Environmental Working Group has created
www.RonaldMcHummer.com, an information site about the evils of Hummers. To draw traffic to the site, it also allows you to create cool custom McDonald's signs like this one (
right). What the site fails to mention is that (
according to TreeHugger) just cooking fast food creates more air pollution than all the trucks on the road! And, of course, all the pollution caused by cars & trucks idling in the drive thru lane. It just goes on and on....
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