RIP McRib... finally!

McDonald’s is dumping the McRib sandwich following a last chance for its fans (editor's note: both of them) to "savor" the pressed and formed pork patty topped with pickles, onions and BBQ sauce on a special (editor's note: not sesame-seeded) McRib bun.
Select cities in California, Kansas, Missouri, North Carolina, New Mexico, Nevada, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and West Virginia are hosting the McRib Farewell Tour, the company said. (Editor's note: Was this voluntary?)
The McRib made its debut twenty-three years ago as an occadional promotional item - some say the occasion was spurred by an excess of pork trimmings that could be had at a cheap price. The McRib will disappear from the McDonald's menu at the end of the "McRib Farewell Tour."
I don't think that it's right to take away something that brings in so much business.
This is a nightmare, the McRib is the only reason that I even eat at McDonalds anymore. I make it a point to eat as many McRibs as I can during the promotion.
This is a nightmare, the McRib is the only reason that I ever go to McDonalds anymore. I make it a point to eat as many McRibs as I can during the promotion - it's awesome and you can't get anything like it anywhere else.
Personally, I really like McRibs. I'm sorry to see them go, and hope that McDonald's will reconsider and bring it back.
Ate 2 today... McRib is a meat like substance soon to be extinct.
Will never do it again.
I love the McRib and my heart goes out to all of those, in evidently God forsaken areas, who will no longer have the privilege to enjoy its tangy deliciousness...well legally anyway.
Me and my husband both love the McRib. We always look forward for you to start serving them. We always wondered why you did not have them on the menu every day. They are wonderful.
I love McRibs since, You made them along time ago.Can you keep it on the menu for ever.It's different and it,s good.
Keep the McRib. It's good.
I agree with most others on here. The ONLY thing I ever eat at McDonalds is their McRib sandwich. If it is yanked, then I will go to some other place. PLEASE - my grands like your burgers - NOT ME --- spare us, and keep McRibs!!!
Lets face it, there is always room for BBQ pork on the menu.
The McRib isn't bad - I've had two since the promotion started. But I have to say the meat-like substance isn't particularly pleasing to the eye when you start deconstructing it too much.
If you check out you can sign a petition to keep the McRib. I don't think the sandwich is dead yet!
Ilove the McRib's!! If McDonalds retires them...they have their head up their asses! McRIBS FOREVER!
My Husband and I eat Mcribs when you have them. We watch for them! Why not keep them on the menu all the time? We raised our children, Grand Children at Mac Donalds. And now our 4 Great Grand Children eat there. We take big bibs and divide the mcrib sandwichs. When the promotion is over we go back to the regular menu, but miss mcribs!Update some Onion Rings to have all the time also!
We love MacDonalds!
mcrib rip..............................................
Its a travesty that you have decided to take away our favorite food....hopefully you will reconsider bringing it back...please make sure all Mcdonald carry the McRib during this final tour
If you stop making the McRib I am not going to eat at McDonalds anymore.
I will stop eating at McDonalds too if thry take the mcrib away!!!
i agree.the mcrib is what made it worth going to mcdonalds,please bring them back to glendale arizona
A mcdonalds without a mcrib is like a beer with no alcohol, whats the point
Mc Rib, it is my life, it fills my soul.
Without this I suffocate.
It came out sparingly, but was in my heart constantly.
I love you Mc Rib.
If I never come mouth to bun again.
Know, we will never forget you.
P.s. With everything I have, Thank you
I have seen with my own eyes a sign outside of McDonald's(Inside a Walmart) in Southlake, TX(Dallas-Ft. Worth) that says McRib is back for '07.
The McRib is back! Had two yesterday and going back for more!
why not get rid of the big mac or thet stupid red clown with the big shoes and large weiner. the mcrib is the only thing you jerk offs ever actuly made worh eating
The McRib should be made a permanent part of the Mcdonald's menu. I would love to see the McRib replace the Big Mac. The McRib is the only thing I eat from Mcdonalds, and the only thing that is worth eating.
The REASON people are dying so quickly in America is because of foods like this. If they're not there, you won't eat them! And for those of you talking about feeding it to your kids and grandkids, what are you thinking????? This is NOT a healthy food item for a child, or anyone!
Adults can make their own nutritional decisions, no matter how disgusting. Children deserve a little more dignity than to be fed something this disgusting. Let it go and try making a sandwich at home if you need a pork fix.
looks like i will making a road trip from chicago to missouri to buy a truck load of mcribs!! how many do ya think i can fit in a freezer?
It's been said, if something ain't broke, don't fix it. I will further the broken record & say that since my childhood, the McRib has been my favorite & ONLY pleasure @ McDonald's. So, McDonald's, you better take it back or it's gonna backfire.
that thing had me backed up for a week. And when I finally did poo, it did damage to my drain pipes!
oh-boy!! i heard that McRib's are back, i was just wondring if they are back in ontario too. actually in st-catharines ontario.
they were my favorite in the 80's.
can't wait too have one or two or more..
Bad decision McDonalds!! The McRib was a welcome change from the the typical fastfood hamburger, chicken or fish sandwich. This must have been an economical choice by management versus a public desire choice......
i grew up with the McRib I LOVE it!
if u take it away i will be so sad
everyone i know loves it
the mcrib is the best thing mcdonalds ever did...if they get rid of it, much like others have said, theres no reason to go there any more....the mcrib should replace that little sandwich called the big mac....for what ever reason it gets smaller every year....long live the mcrib!!!!!
I think The McRib should be a permanant menu family member
i agree , i think they should make it a permanent selection on their menu.. mcRib is one of my favorites.
my son just called me in MN to bug me he was eating mcrib cant find here MN never eat anything else at McDonalds anymore. Dumb decision only thing anygood at McDonalds anymore
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